All registered members of Raw Art Dance will be on automatic withdrawals regarding tuition. Families can choose a due date between the 1st - 5th of each month. 

    There would be a $15 late fee after the 5th. Any returning checks would result in a $35 fee from our office. Students will be unable to participate in any of their set class(es) and/or recital if tuition is not taken care of in full. (If your card is locked and tuition is not received due to the card being locked, that will also result in a $15.00 fee.)

    Tuition is the same for a month with major holidays and breaks.  Raw Art Dance has a no refund policy***.  I voluntarily agree to pay for the full monthly dance fee to participate in classes as well as performances.


    Students should arrive 5 to 10 minutes prior to their class to allow for time to get prepared, dressed, change shoes, etc. This will also give the students a full class period. Students need to be in their set classes on time!! Tardiness is unacceptable and dancers will have consequences if tardiness continues past 3 or more times. 

     *Students who continually miss class or rehearsals will not be eligible to participate in upcoming events including a dance recital. 

    Excused Absences that will allow your child to have a make up class include: doctor note/ personal illness of student or death in the family. 

    Make- Up Classes can be scheduled in the office via email only. Students have 14 days to make up a class they missed. Thereafter, no make-up classes can be scheduled.  Parents are responsible for scheduling make up class for *excused* absence only through our office. 


    Students who have registered 4 weeks prior to an annual dance recital will not participate in the upcoming show due to late registration. In order to be eligible to participate in an upcoming dance recital student must be enrolled at least 6 weeks prior. 


    We have a closed-door policy at Raw Art Dance. Our goal is not to shut parents out but to keep the student’s full attention on the dance class. We do want to keep our parents involved in what your children are learning so we have scheduled Parent Observation Weeks and multiple yearly performances. Parents are welcome to observe in a class only when the teacher invites them in. Rehearsals for the recital are strictly CLOSED - DOOR. No parents will observe our Mock Rehearsal or Dress Rehearsal as students are preparing for our showcase.


    Here at Raw Art Dance, to best serve you, we communicate via 

    1. Facebook private group

    2. Email

    3.  Remind Group text message system

    4. Newsletter and Video Messages 

    5. An in - person meeting can be scheduled via email with one of our directors.

     Please remember our dance educators have other clients and personal matters to take care of on a daily basis and we wish to respect their outside time. 

    If you have an emergency, please call or email our office and we will certainly make sure your matter is heard. Parents are responsible for keeping up with the latest news pertaining to an upcoming event or dance class updates.

    Please do not text any of our studio owners, directors or teachers. 


    If a student will not be participating in registered classes any longer and wishes to cancel their full membership, a 30 day written notice is required along with one month's tuition as the cancellation fee of membership. This cancellation fee is not the last month's tuition in which the dancer receives dance lessons. Please remember, our studio is a recital based studio and teachers

    choreograph dances according to class attendance as well as the studio director's order of costumes based off of each class. 

    Please be aware that if you cancel your membership and costumes have been paid for as well as recital and/or competition fees, no refunds regarding any paid for fees will be given. 

    Parents are agreeing to participate for the full 10-month season from August to May of the respective years in order to receive RAD student membership.


    Raw Art Dance and Entertainment has a “no cancellation” policy. Once you’ve purchased and registered for the class you have committed to being in the class or classes. There will be no refunds and no credits if a parent/student decides to cancel. 


    All registration fees, dance service fees, costume fees, recital costume/ticket/ photography fees, and/or competition fees are non-refundable.


    Students are required to be in proper class dress code. Students who fail to be in class uniform will have consequences issued by class teacher, studio directors and possible studio owners. If you need a dress code form, please email our office. 


    Dancers upon registering for classes joined in specific classes at the beginning of their participation at the studio.

    Students will only be eligible to switch classes on their accounts in August-September or January-February (the beginning of our semester terms) after meeting with our studio directors. 

    Students who choose to switch classes or cancel a class on their account within the 10 month period will not receive the costume due to the class nor a refund on any deposits made towards the canceled class’s costume and will incur the full costume cost when the balance is due of their new class. We as the studio work with a dance warehouse to supply costumes and follow the guidelines they have set forth. We as a studio will not reimburse any account for costumes to account for the change in classes. We as a studio will not adjust prices to reflect a deposit on a separate costume other than the one it was made on.

    Students who wish to add classes will be allowed to add at the beginning of our semester. If a deposit was not made on the costume of the new class, the costume fee will be due in full.


    In the event of cancellation due to severe weather due to nature, please check our Facebook page, Instagram Page, check your email and the Remind Me App for notifications . They do not always necessarily coincide with school closings. There will be a studio scheduled make-up class for weather canceled classes. If you miss the make-up class, refunds will not be given.


    Private lessons will only be valid for 3 months after the purchase date effective January 1st 2025. Private lessons left unfulfilled after 3 months will be canceled and no refunds will be given if the teacher has shown due diligence in scheduling the privates with the parent/guardian. If a teacher is left without notification after 10 minutes of the private agreed upon start time, the private will be said to be completed and fulfilled due to the no show. Private lessons will not be credited, transferred, or refunded if left incomplete.

    Gifted private lessons will have a 3 month validation as well. This is in the case if private lessons are purchased for the dancer by someone other than their parent/guardian.


    Here at RAD, we incorporate performance into our curriculum. We host two Annual Dance Recitals - One in December for Christmas and one in May-June for Spring/Summer and get invited to dance at local community festivals. All dancers in our dance academy are trained to be a part of our recitals and community performances. We do require costumes as a part of each dancer's performance. Parents can expect to purchase dance costumes for each recital and a community performance costume.

    I acknowledge that my dancer will participate in seasonal dance performances in the community 

    I acknowledge that my dancer will participate in two annual dance recitals – One in December concluding the Fall Semester and One in May/June concluding the Season. 

    If a student has missed consecutively 14 days of dance prior to a dance recital and/or performance, their participation in said recital and/or performance can be dismissed from the dance educator and/or studio director.  


    Students cannot miss any of their classes nor mandatory rehearsals 2 weeks prior to the recital date. These rehearsals include our Mock Rehearsal and Dress Rehearsal. Dancers who miss any of their classes or these rehearsals will automatically be dropped from the dance. Missing rehearsal without notice to our studio directors is a violation of our recital policy. If you cannot commit to a recital for an excused reason (Illness, Death in Family, etc) No refunds for costumes or tickets will be given.


    Each season, we hire and pay a professional photographer to come to our studio to update our class photos for our dancers prior to our annual Spring Showcase. This is a mandatory event for all RAD members. This photo is featured in our yearly recital magazine. 


    Destruction to any RAD Property: 

    In the event that a student or sibling breaks any of Raw Art Dance’s property, the parent is responsible for the replacement.  

    Please Keep our space clean and neat! If you have a snack, you must clean up after yourself and/or dancer. 

    We have a no running policy for siblings and dancers in the studio. 

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